
Testosterone Therapy Boca Raton For Signs Of Aging In Men


As men grow older, aging symptoms gradually show up. Some of these are directly related to low testosterone levels while some are not. If you are experiencing the down side of low testosterone, you might want to look into the benefits of Testosterone Therapy Boca Raton.

  • Reduce sexual abilities – This shows up as decrease in sexual desire, lesser strong erections during sleep (and first thing in the morning) and in some cases infertility.
  • Sleep patterns become altered – Some men gradually begin experiencing insomnia or some other types of sleep disturbances.
  • Changes in physical appearance – Some of these physical changes that occur in men include: increase in body fat, decrease in lean muscle mass and strength, reduced bone strength and density, hair loss, tender or swollen breasts (this is regarded as gynecomastia), reduction in energy levels and experiencing of hot flashes.

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