
What can an HRT Clinic of Florida do for me?HRT Clinic of Florida – Physicians at Core Medical Group‘sadminister hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to treat abnormal testosterone levels, chronic wasting diseases, and various symptoms. HRT employs pure testosterone, not synthetic steroids, and receives medical supervision for optimal outcomes. Moreover, the primary aim of HRT is […]

Menopause is a natural phase in a woman’s life, but it can bring along a host of challenging symptoms that affect physical and emotional well-being. Thankfully, Hormone Replacement Therapy can help with an effective solution to alleviate menopausal symptoms and provides numerous other benefits. Let’s delve into the wonders of HRT and its transformative effects […]

In the study, funded in part by drug maker Novo Nordisc, researchers looked the causes of death in almost 2,000 German men aged 20 to 79 years. The men with low testosterone at the start of study, which had an average follow up period of 7 years, had a more than 2.5 times greater risk of dying during the next 10 years compared with men with higher testosterone. These men tended to be older, fatter and had a greater prevalence of diabetes and high blood pressure than the men with higher testosterone levels, Haring said.

This difference was not explained by age, smoking, alcohol intake, level of physical activity or increased waist circumference (a risk factor for diabetes and heart disease), according to researcher author Robin Haring, a Ph.D. student from Ernst-Moritz-Arndt University of Greifswald, Institute for Community Medicine.

Low testosterone levels predicted increased risk of death from cardiovascular disease and cancer but not death of any other single cause, the study found.

Testosterone is the most important sex hormone (otherwise known as androgens) produced in the male body. It is the hormone that is primarily responsible for producing the typical adult male attributes. At puberty, testosterone stimulates the physical changes that characterize the adult male, such as enlargement of the penis and testes, growth of facial and pubic hair, deepening of the voice, an increase in muscle mass and strength, and growth in height. Throughout adult life, testosterone helps maintain sex drive, the production of sperm cells, male hair patterns, muscle mass and bone mass.

In a study conducted by Johannson and his colleagues, at the Salgrenska University Hospital, it was found that HGH helps improve insulin sensitivity. The study design was a randomized double blind study involving 30 men between the age groups of 48 years to 66 years. These individuals were given low doses of HGH for a period of nine months, and great benefits of the same were observed. Glucose metabolism improved considerably, along with an average reduction of 18.1 % of abdominal fat, which has been considered to be a major cause of insulin resistance. The study concluded that HGH replacement therapy helps improve insulin sensitivity and assists in regulation of blood sugar levels.

 Let’s talk about progesterone for women. Until recently, only commercial testosterone products containing synthetic methyltestosterone were available.  These products came in dosages designed exclusively for men. However, current research unequivocally demonstrates that testosterone also plays a critical role in women’s health.  Due to this newfound understanding and its growing popularity, pharmaceutical companies and compounding pharmacies are rushing […]

At Core Medical Group in Boca Raton, FL, we specialize in offering a variety of Growth Hormone therapies tailored to suit individual needs. Hence, discover the benefits and understand the science behind HGH.  Understanding Growth Hormone (GH):Growth hormone (GH) plays a pivotal role in human growth, cell reproduction, and regeneration. Moreover, a protein-based peptide hormone, growth […]

Testosterone is the most potent of the naturally occurring androgens. The androgens cause the development of male sex characteristics, such as a deep voice and a beard; they also strengthen muscle tone and bone mass. High levels of testosterone appear to promote good health in men, for example, lowering the risks of high blood pressure and heart attack. High testosterone levels also correlate with risky behavior. Testosterone may be given to treat medical conditions, including female (but not male) breast cancer, hypogonadism (low gonadal function) in the male, cryptorchism (nondescent of the testis into the scrotum), and menorrhagia (irregular periods).

  HRT for Women and Men: Core Medical Group Approach   HRT for women and men – Core Medical Group provides HRT.   This therapy focuses on offering bioidentical hormone therapy and complete hormone replacement to address symptoms related to menopause, andropause, and hormonal imbalances. Moreover, HRT aims to optimize bodily functions and alleviate associated symptoms […]

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