
Oral Supplements versus Nutrient IV Therapy


Oral supplements are a great way to provide the body the nutrition it needs that food alone will not be able to. However, the problem with oral supplements is that it needs go through the digestion process in the stomach before it can be used up by the body. It takes time, and that there are some factors that could hinder the absorption of the nutrients from these oral supplements.

On the other hand, nutrient IV therapy is introduced in the body directly into the bloodstream. This means the rate of absorption is very fast and effective. The nutrients will be used up by the cells right away. There is no danger of stomach irritation or slow absorption. The only drawback, perhaps, of using nutrient IV therapy than oral supplements is that it is not very convenient. You can’t do it at home because you need the assistance of an expert. Nevertheless, it is definitely more effective than the ones taken orally.


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