

Preparing for miraDry Procedure

Preparing for miraDry Procedure

The miraDry procedure offers a promising solution for those struggling with excessive underarm sweating. To achieve the best results, certain preparatory steps are crucial. This guide outlines essential actions to take prior to your appointment, ensuring you’re fully ready for the treatment.


Step 1: Shave Your Underarms


Begin your preparation by shaving both underarms approximately 4 to 6 days before your scheduled miraDry treatment. This timing is critical as it allows the hair to be short enough not to interfere with the procedure while avoiding any irritation that might be caused by too-close a shave right before the treatment.


Step 2: Daily Washing


For the week leading up to your procedure, wash your underarms daily. It’s important to consult your miraDry specialist about which cleanser is best suited for this purpose. Choosing the right product can help prevent any adverse reactions and maintain the skin’s ideal condition for the procedure.


Step 3: Appropriate Attire


On the day of your procedure, wear a tank top. This type of clothing will allow easy access to the treatment area while ensuring comfort throughout the process. Moreover, a tank top helps avoid contact with potentially sensitive areas post-treatment.


Step 4: Manage Discomfort


Bring ibuprofen with you to the procedure to help manage any soreness that might occur afterward. Effectively managing pain can make the recovery process more comfortable and allow you to return to daily activities sooner.


Step 5: Prepare Ice Packs


Prepare for post-procedure care by placing four small-sized plastic water bottles in the freezer to use as ice packs. Applying these ice packs intermittently can significantly reduce swelling and provide relief from any discomfort following the treatment.


Step 6: Post-Procedure Clothing


After the miraDry procedure, avoid wearing sleeveless shirts for at least one week. This precaution is necessary due to the potential for discolored and swollen areas under the arms. Wearing looser, more breathable clothing can help facilitate a smoother recovery.




By carefully preparing for your miraDry procedure, you can enhance the effectiveness of the treatment and ensure a more comfortable recovery. Each step, from pre-treatment shaving to post-procedure care, plays a vital role in the overall success of the process. Remember to follow these guidelines closely and consult your specialist with any concerns to achieve the best possible outcome.

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