

Frequently Asked Questions About miraDry

Frequently Asked Questions About miraDry

Here are some frequently asked questions about miraDry, a procedure that can finally solve your very embarrassing problem, if you’re unfamiliar with it

What is miraDry?


MiraDry, a revolutionary, FDA-approved, nonsurgical treatment, significantly reduces underarm sweating. Importantly, it offers a permanent solution for those grappling with excessive perspiration. Furthermore, miraDry is not only effective but also a safe and reliable option, providing a lasting answer to a common problem.


How does it work?


The miraDry system employs thermal energy. This energy generates heat in the targeted area, where the problematic sweat, odor, and hair glands are located. Consequently, it safely eliminates them. This efficient and minimally invasive process makes it a highly sought-after solution for underarm issues.


What results can you expect?


With miraDry, immediate and long-lasting results are a reality. Additionally, once the treatment permanently eradicates the sweat, odor, and hair glands, it removes them. Moreover, clinical studies have demonstrated an impressive average of 82% reduction in sweat, marking a significant improvement in the quality of life for many.


How many treatments will you need?

Generally, you achieve visible results after just one treatment. However, the specific number of treatments needed varies based on individual conditions and desired outcomes. Your physician will develop a customized treatment plan, ensuring you receive the most effective treatment tailored to your unique needs and goals.



MiraDry is an innovative, safe, and effective solution for excessive underarm sweating. Permanently eliminating sweat, odor, and hair glands significantly impacts quality of life. Therefore, those suffering from this condition can find solace in miraDry’s reliable results. With tailored treatment plans and proven effectiveness, miraDry represents a significant advancement in addressing a challenging and sensitive personal issue.


For effective testosterone and hormone therapy, call us at 561-338-5240 (Core Medical Group) or 561-243-1219 (Delray Beach).

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