
What To Expect After Kybella Boca Raton Injection


Kybella Boca Raton is a cutting-edge injectable treatment that dissolves and flushes out the fat causing double chin. What makes it effective is deoxycholic acid, a molecule naturally found in the body. This acid breaks down the fat and dissolves the walls of the targeted fat cells. It doesn’t affect the surrounding healthy tissues, making it safe to use.

Since Kybella is applied through a series of small injections, it is noninvasive in nature. All the patient feels are mild pressure and discomfort under the chin, which eventually goes away in time. In terms of recovery period, the swelling and firmness in the chin area will go away in two weeks. Any bruising that appears can be easily covered with makeup. Patients can usually return immediately to normal activities although strenuous activity immediately following treatment can increase swelling and bruising.


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