
Questions About Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy

Frequently Asked Questions About Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy

Bio-identical hormones, AKA BHRT, offer a natural alternative for individuals experiencing hormonal imbalances or age-related hormone decline. Hence, we provide some frequently asked questions to shed light on this therapy:

Why should I use bio-identical hormones?

Bio-identical hormones are an ideal solution for those experiencing andropause (men) or menopause/perimenopause (women). These hormones alleviate symptoms.

Moreover, hormones replicate the body’s natural production. They offer a safe and effective means to restore balance as we age. This makes them crucial for maintaining health and well-being.


What Side Effects Can We Associate With Bio-Identical Hormones?

Side effects primarily arise when the hormone dosage is too high for an individual. The key to successful BHRT lies in personalized treatment plans.

Additionally, Renewed Vitality’s clinical staff continuously monitors and evaluates patients to maintain appropriate dosing. This commitment ensures safety. Hence, this approach minimizes the risk of adverse effects.


How long until I see results using hormone replacement therapy?

The timeline for experiencing results with hormone replacement therapy can vary from person to person. Also, the specific hormone therapy being used influences the timeline for experiencing results.

Generally, some individuals may notice immediate symptom improvements. Others might experience gradual changes over three to six months. Hence, patience is crucial as the body adjusts to the therapy, and ongoing monitoring helps optimize results.



Bio-identical hormone therapy offers a natural and effective way to address hormone imbalances associated with aging.

Furthermore, tailoring treatment to individual needs and closely monitoring hormone levels helps relieve hormonal symptoms, improving overall quality of life.

Additionally, if you have more questions or are considering BHRT, consult a high quality healthcare provider to discuss options and create a personalized treatment plan.


**Core Medical Group: Your Trusted Partner in Health**

At Core Medical Group, we are dedicated to your health and well-being. Contact us at 561-243-1219 to schedule your free consultation today. Let Core Medical Group be your partner on your path to a healthier and happier life with Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy.


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