
Who Are Qualified For Hormone Therapy Coral Gables?


Hormone Therapy Coral Gables is not for everyone. There are certain conditions and situations that make a person eligible or not eligible for this kind of treatment.

First, women with hot flashes, especially when they are causing sleep disturbance, can consider hormone therapy (HT). Estrogen given short-term is the most effective treatment for hot flashes, and benefit of short-term (less than 5 years) use outweighs potential risks for most women. Also, women with vaginal dryness or itching due to menopause can consider HT. Oral pills, skin patches, gel, or vaginal forms of estrogen can be used. Women who only have vaginal menopause symptoms and are not experiencing hot flashes should pick a vaginal form of estrogen, whereas women with both hot flashes and vaginal symptoms can use any form of this therapy.

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